What is Sethotho? 
Sethotho is a combination of sacred herbs (leafs, tree barks and tree trunks and roots). We ingest sethoto to open locked door, shake-off misfortune, and gain favour with our ancestors. 

During the process of Sethotho, you will ingest herbs you are asking your ancestors for spiritual healing, enlightenment and realignment. This is then done every morning and pre- sunset for a minimum of 7 days straight, more in some cases and daily for mathwasane 

Who can have Sethotho? 

Anyone can have it, however it can only be prescribed and mixed by a healer. This does not mean o le thwasana, wa thwasa, wilo thwasa or o ngaka. Sethotho is good for your ancestors and is to bring you good fortune and spiritual realignment.

Those who have a spiritual call, but have not gone for training, ingests Sethotho to assist with calming badimo down, while they get their affairs in order pre-thwaso (this is not a permanent solution and can only work so many times).

It is sometimes during this process that you find out that you actually have a spiritual calling, other times it is long after. 

NOTE: Not everyone who undertakes the Sethotho process, ends up going through the process of gothwasa.

Why do we prepare Sethotho? 

It is done to bridge a gap between you and badimo ba gago. It is to open a line of communication so that they may speak directly to you and tell you their wishes. For you to ask for guidance/blessings and they also have a direct link to you.

How do you know we have to undertake the Sethotho process? 

• When spiritual ailments affect every aspect of your life. 
• You may be prone to aches and pains that medical doctors cannot explain or heal. 
• You may start having trouble at school/work/relationship/marriage when you’ve never had an issue before.
• Struggling financially. 
• Your life comes to standstill. 
....these are only some things that may happen.

What to bring when you come for Sethotho healing process?
• Notepad and pen
• Enamel plate, bowl and mug
• Legogwa/cansi/ bamboo mat
• Ntsu
• Candles (7 colours)
• R1 for each day of the process 
• Blankets/ sleeping bag and pillow 
• Comfortable clothes and sneakers 

What we offer to the ancestors:
- White, brown and red alcohol 
- Cup of water
- Cup of mealie meal/ mabele
- Mpepho 
- 1 rand coin for each day of the process 
- Ntsu
- Light 7 brought and pinch to wick when you are done. 
- Snacks (if they liked weed, bring it and light it up)

Atang, le okeletswe, le kganye, le benye byana ka mobu wa lewatle!!!

#PUSH - Pahla/ Pray Until Something Happens.


Yours in service,
Rakgolo Ngwatla wa ntšhi dikgolo


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