7 Day Challenge

Thokozani,  Thobela, Re a lotšha!

Continuing from the 3 day challenge 
The Following week at 21:00

You will need:
• Impepho 
• yellow,blue, red and white candles 
• Enamel bowel/cup full of mealie meal
• Enamel bowel/cup full of water
• Ntsu 
• Silver coins 

• Place your tools on the floor, side by side.
• Facing east, light your candles and burn Impepho.
• Springle ntsu on the floor
• Call upon your ancestors from both sides. 
• Present your offerings of water, mealie meal and silver.
• Seek protection, realignment and enlightenment. 
• Do this for 7 nights on the 7th night let your candles burn through. 

Diarise and monitor your dreams and to things happening in your life there after.

NOTE: remain pure (no tlof‐tlof/ self service), no pork, no seafood. Should your periods starts, or if the cycle is distributed, please stop and start again later.
Speak your mother tongue and avoid English. Keep it real in your vernacular! And be specific about the reason you called. 

You can also write your prayer down and burn it on your last night.

Atang, le okeletswe, le kganye, le benye byana ka mobu wa lewatle!!!

#PUSH - Phahla/ Pray Until Something Happens.


Yours in service,
Rakgolo Ngwatla wa ntšhi dikgolo
Email: rakgolongwatla@gmail.com


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