
"When the student is ready the teacher will appear. When the student is truly ready... The teacher will Disappear"

 I think it’s a key concept to keep in mind when talking about individual change management.

When you consider that change is learning and learning is change, a bedrock concept in successful change management, the teacher can make the difference. And when we say “when the student is ready, the teachers appears,” it should be clear that effective teachers are facilitators who make their impact by understanding the needs of the learner

Note the word facilitators – all education, and thus change, ultimately takes place on the student side. A teacher can light the way and ease the way – in other words, facilitate learning– but the learner has to walk the path.

In a way, teachers are like enzymes, Nature’s go-to facilitators of change. Essentially, enzymes are catalysts. They accelerate the rate of reactions. They make change happen faster.

 Like an enzyme the facilitator is the catalyst of learning. They lower the energy required to learn by:

• Assessing and accessing the prior knowledge of learners

• Creating opportunities for learners to be self directed

• Making the learning relevant

• Establishing a positive and active learning environment

The teacher who appears when the student is ready is the teacher who is focused on the learner, constantly assessing when the learner is ready.

Are you ready for change Management?

Sepedi sere "Kgomo go Tsonga ye ete tsosang."

If you project a negative light, then the universe will bring back negativity into your life. It's a tennis ball effect.

Badimo are visiting you in your dreams, bringing you messages and guiding you through your daily life. Those with a calling are being shown in dreams and in visions that they need to picking pick up spiritual mobile phones and answer their calling. Others partially listen and go buy what was showed them and just put them away nicely - never to be seen or possibly used. Others just continue living their lives and ignore the signs. And then you wonder why things are going wrong in your life.

My darling you are sitting on a gold field and you are not mining it.

Spiritual guides and Gobelas can't so the work for you.

Our parents enrolled into school. But we had to wake up each morning, go to school, do the class work, do the homework, study for the test and exams. And when we passed the final assessment we got promoted to the next level.

You need to wake up and pull your weight in love, in life and in your Spirituality.

Tshwaro ya morena wa rena Jeso Kreste
Lerato la Modimo
Le kabelano ya moya o mokgethwa.
Di sale le rona ka methla.


Atang, kganyang, le be botsana, le kgante byana ka mobu wa lewatle.

#PUSH - Pahla Until Something Happens.


FB and BlogSpot: Rakgolo Ngwatla wa ntšhi dikgolo


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