Thokozani,  a re lotšheng, Ndauwe!

Four day yellow candle manifestation challenge. 
A yellow candle is used for: When seeking clarity and enlightenment. It helps with gaining insight.

When doing this candle ritual make sure you have something specific you'd like to get clarity on and needing answers for. You can also send a message to someone who is passed on.

What you will need: 
1. One yellow candle 
2. A box of matches 
3. A tub of ntsu snuif 
4. Tap water in an enamel mug/bowl
5. A candle stick holder
6. Silver coin
Basic steps: 
1. Set up your environment to your liking, including making it comfortable with a cushion, cover your head and shoulders out of respect. 
2. Facing east, Phahla and Meditate 
3. Phahla - communicate with your ancestors. Call on all the ancestors you know by name and share you thoughts and feelings with them.
4. Meditate - Quieten the mind and listen to your body, surrounds and stray from thinking. Acknowledge thoughts but don't dwell on them.
5. 21h00, each evening (1-3) after you done pinch out the flame.
6. On the fourth evening after you are done with your session. Leave the candle to burn out completely. 
7. On the fifth day. 1st thing in the morning, take the prayer water, pour half into your bath water and bath normally. And drink the rest, before eating, drinking anything.

Note: No Seafood. No Pork. No Tlof-tlof. No self-service. Should your menstrual cycle start, stop the process and start from scratch post menstrual cycle. 

Atang, kganyang, le be botsana, le kgante byana ka mobu wa lewatle. 

#PUSH - Phahla Until Something Happens

📞079 575 8175


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