P1: ILADI - General and Spiritual Sense

A re lotšheng, Thokozani. Ndauwe!

Iladi/ ukudla/itiye lamadlozi

I have noticed that, there are still people out there who thinks that, when people are talking about Iladi, they actually mean some kind of an event or is a spiritual ritual ya seporofeta, least they know that, we actually talking about a certain way of having a conversation or speaking to ancestors which forms some parts of mophahlo or dibego tsa badimo or go fagela badimo teye.


The word Iladi comes from the "indigenous Ngoni word" meaning: Some kind of MOPHAHLO that includes certain sacrifices such as food, drinks, snacks etc whereby, one is expected to present to their ancestors for various reasons.

Although others believe that "Secheso" is like another types of Iladi but in a very religious way. This so called "Ritualistic kind of a practice" called Iladi usually involves the lighting of candles starting from 7 in number and could be more. This is an old ritual even before candles were discovered. The practice was done by our fore-fathers but, under the name go phahla, meaning communicating and engaging with ancestors in certain sacred places.

There are different types of Amaladi (plural) that one can do depending on their reason or aim for it.

For an example:

Theres one type of Iladi done by many and is called: "Iladi_lokukhanyisa/ go kgantsha": this specific type of iladi its actually to give dibego tsa badimo (a plate of meal) to your ancestors expecting them to enlighten, raise certain positive energies and opening up lucks. And cast away negative clouds.

Do you know that Iladi cannot all be made in a same place as others can be done in various places like at your house or in a church space, your spiritual home, your uncle's home (Maternal side of the family), at your Paternal home or on your Matrimonial house. The venue will be depended on the purpose, intension, ancestral instruction and the guidance of a trustable spiritual guide on how iLadi should be done to achieve what results.

It is not encouraged for one to do Iladi whereby sacrificing of an animal shall be done, if there's someone in the family or closely related to a person doing iladi is terminally ill as that is highly not advisable in our African culture.

Stay tuned for part 2.

#PUSH - phahla until something happens 

Atang, kganyang le benye byana ka mobu wa lewatle.

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🌟Rakgolo Ngwatla - your plug into spiritual alignment
 📞079 575 8157


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