P2: ILADI - Different Types

A re lotšheng, 
Just to recap we said iladi is a ceremony that is done for ancestors either to remember them, ask from them, seek guidance and at time apologize to them. Iladi can also be for a specific ancestor.

This ritual or ceremony can be conducted from a number of places of course depending on the intention, reasoning and the goal behind this ritual. The ceremony can be done at your maternal home, parternal home, matrimonial home or even at church all this will depend on the purpose of the ceremony.

However if you want to know more about this you can go back and read our previous posts on "ILADI".

There's 6 known types of ILADI:
1. Go kgantsha (to give light) - this type of iladi is to give isithebe ( offering of meals) to the ancestors so that they may bring light to the home and the family members and also bring positive energies and open up opportunities.

2. Go faga teye (Thanksgiving) - this type of iladi is done by someone who is appropriating something from the ancestors and wants to give thanks to the ancestors for their guidance perhaps. It can also be done by someone who wants to remember a certain member of the family who has since departed from the physical world.

3. Go bega ko segothlong ( report) - this type is conducted particularly to pre-inform the ancestors of a certain event or the arrival of a new baby etc. It can also serve as iladi lempepho to seek advice and guidance from the ancestors for a particular thing that needs to be done.

4. Go ipobola melato (apologize) - This type is conducted by someone who wants to seek for forgiveness from the ancestors for a particular thing he/she has done to anger the ancestors eg abortion.

5. Go lukisa merero ya segothlong (to fix) - this one is done to fix and give light to the darkness that might be following the family. It can also fix things that might be wrong with umsamo. This one is done to ask the ancestors to bring light and give direction to your life.

6. Go beya dibego badimong (serving food) - This type is similar to umphahlo or umsebenzi. This type is often requested by the ancestors let's say through a dream. They ancestors may come through a dream and say that they are hungry in response to their requests you do this type of iladi.

#PUSH - phahla until something happens 

Atang, kganyang le benye byana ka mobu wa lewatle.

Yours in service, 
🌟Rakgolo Ngwatla - your plug into spiritual alignment
 📞079 575 8157


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