RED Candle Protection Challenge

Three day RED candle PROTECTIVE challenge.
At times you just got to protect yourself when your enemies try you.

A red candle is used for: Protection against negative spirits and energies. Bad dreams and feeling overwhelmed by a negative force. 

When doing this candle ritual make sure you have something specific you'd like to get clarity on and needing answers for. Do not call out anyone's name. We are not causing issues, rather resolving your own threats.

What you will need: 
• One RED candle 
• A box of matches 
• A tub of NTSU black Snuif 
• Red soil/letsoku/Dumani 
• A candle stick holder 
• 5 sewing needles 

Basic steps: 
• Set up your environment to your liking, including making it comfortable with a cushion, cover your head and shoulders out of respect.
• Take your candle and apply letsoko all around the candle while talking about what you need it to do for you. Insert the needles through the candle. One underneath and the other four across the candle, facing all 4 sides of the gloves (east, west, north & south).
• Phahla and ask your ancestors and guides to bless this protective challenge you are about to perform. Ask them to bring your enemies to their knees. Then place your candle in the holder and begin your session. Communicate with your ancestors. Call on all the ancestors you know by name/Surname and share your thoughts, concerns and feelings with them.
• Pray - to your maker (God, higher power, etc)
• Meditate - Quieten the mind and listen to your body, surroundings and stray from thinking. Acknowledge thoughts but don't dwell on them. 
• On each evening (1-2) after you are done pinch out the flame. Do not blow it out. On the third evening, let the candle burn out completely. 
• Collect the left over wax, needles and anything else left on the holder and throw them out, completely out of your yard, at a crossroads/open veld or road. Not the bin please!

• Evenings are great, midnight is the most preferred time, you begin your session when your heart yearns to plug in. Don't be ridig with specifics, create a good energy with great intent and a strong communication. 
• Red candle is needed for this exercise. If for whatever reason you want to add other colours under your ancestors guidance then feel free. If unsure please stick to the mentioned candle colour for best results. This is not a law but a guide.

• No Tlof-tlof during the challenge. 
• Ladies if your cycle start, please stop!
• Should you get disturbed, please stop and start the challenge from scratch on a brand new day.
• Should your candle die during the session, stop and continue tomorrow. 

Yours in service,
Rakgolo Ngwatla - your plug into spirituality!


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